Sustainability: Management of sustainability
Materiality analysis (Material issues)
For the formulation of the Mid-term Management Plan (FY2022 – 2024), we undertook the identification and analysis of issues of material importance to both business and sustainability. This materiality analysis augments our ability to respond to changes in the external environment surrounding our company and risks to our business. In order to create a positive cycle of ESG issue resolution and earnings improvements in accordance with the growth strategy in the Mid-term Management Plan, we are reflecting our activities in the high-priority areas identified by our materiality analysis into our growth strategies.
System for promotion of sustainability
Sustainability Promotion Division under the direct control of President oversees all activities relating to promotion of our Group-wide sustainability management. With this division at the heart of our endeavors, we are striving to create an environment that facilitates the entire Group to take the initiative in tackling sustainability issues.
Dialogue with stakeholders
Engaging in dialogue with all our stakeholders is a priority for Komatsu. We not only take, but also create opportunities to share a detailed picture of our company's situation, listen to what all have to say and engage in two-way dialogue.
Major achievements
By setting key performance indicators (KPIs) for our initiatives and measures and by disclosing the state of their achievement in our integrated reports, we steadily resolve ESG issues through our growth strategy. Moreover, we clarify the relationships between our identified material issues and KPls as well the most relevant United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Comparison with global principles
Komatsu's sustainability priorities are in line with international standards such as the core issues of ISO26000 and the principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). Concrete examples of our initiatives to tackle these priorities include: “Komatsu's Worldwide Code of Business Conduct” (a compilation of our internal guidelines), and the “CSR Procurement Guidelines”, compliance with which, is required of all our partner companies.