With people

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Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are international goals unanimously adopted in a resolution called the 2030 Agenda by member countries at the United Nations Summit in September 2015. Serving as a shared blueprint for prosperity for people and the planet, SDGs target the achievement of a sustainable world by 2030. Komatsu is aggressively promoting the achievement of SDGs.

We provide an environment where diverse and global employees can work safely and healthily as one team, with respect for each individual, and with satisfaction and pride.


Initiatives for building human capital

The employees of Komatsu Group companies are irreplaceable assets. We are dedicated to fostering a personnel system and a workplace environment that provide employees with opportunities for creativity and instill the confidence to take on challenges. In addition, we implement initiatives for human resource development based on the Komatsu Way, our shared values and practices across different cultures, customs and generations.

Through our continuous efforts to promote diversity and inclusion (D&I), Komatsu is creating an engaging workplace that fosters mutual trust and respect among a diversity of human resources; a culture of mutual recognition of individuality, skills and abilities; and an environment that empowers each employee to fully demonstrate their capabilities and potential.

To create an environment in which each and every one of our employees can work with passion and dedication, Komatsu conducts a global engagement survey of our employees worldwide. We are also working to provide a variety of skill development opportunities, including training for employees to become professionals in their fields and support for the acquisition of knowledge and skills required at each level.


Occupational health and safety

Ensuring the safety and health of employees in the workplace is a core tenet of Komatsu's pursuit of business. Our efforts to improve safety not only cover work environments throughout our Group but also contribute to elevating occupational health and safety for our business partners.

As Komatsu Group, we shall respect human rights related to all of our business activities.


Human rights

Komatsu is committed to the protection of human rights and is taking steps to prevent any abuse of human rights throughout our Group, our supply chain, distribution network, and even within our business partners - wherever they may occur. For identified occurrences of human right violations, we are preparing processes for corrective action and will be ready to put them into action.

Komatsu's social contribution activities

Undertaking social contribution activities in the communities where we operate is one of our important corporate responsibilities. We recognize and position social contribution activities as activities that are in alignment with the Sustainability Policy and do not directly generate earnings. Leveraging our strengths as a business, we seek to give back to the community and society in general.

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To empower a sustainable future where people, businesses, and our planet thrive together.

Sustainability policy    Management of sustainability